Thursday, August 1, 2019

"The rain is just rain"

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Pinkies out!

Who are you, and how did you get my job?

Monday, July 1, 2019

This dog is an actual mayor of an actual town.. and eight other cool dogs with cool jobs

Duke was elected to become the mayor of his small town of Cormorant, Minnesota, in 2014 by "a landslide," according to deputy mayor Steve Sorenson. He won via a write-in campaign, and was subsequently elected three more times before he retired in 2018 at the ripe old age of 13.

Dog speak

Dog sign language “The treats are up there. GET THEM” from r/tippytaps

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Waiting patiently on his master who will never return

Moose, a 3-year-old Labrador mix, has been adopted by a New Jersey home after a photo went viral of him sitting patiently next to his former owner’s hospital bed, unaware he had passed away.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Does your dog like a car ride?

In the wild, being too adventurous could get a dog killed, so dogs may have mostly evolved to be cautious and remain close to what is familiar.

whether or not dogs like to travel might depend a lot on the individual dogs and their life experience. It may depend on whether travel reminds them of fun-filled trips or fear-filled ones. has an article that can help you understand your dogs reactions to car rides.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Photo bomb!

My girlfriend and her friends tried to take a group photo, Alfie wanted to be in it as well from r/funny

The adorable way military working dogs retire

Military working dogs go through lives of intense national service, trained from near birth to mind human commands and either fight bad guys or hunt for dangerous substances and contraband. But they're still living creatures, and they are allowed to retire and live out their days after their service is done.

The 904th Military Working Dog Police Detachment held a ceremony to retire two of their working dogs. Max is a Belgian Malinois with 10 years of service and Grisha is a Malinois who had spent four years at Fort Benning. Both dogs received Army Commendation Medals and were slated to live out their days in the civilian world.

Good boy!

Found one!!!

Bird dog encounters birds at the pet store from r/gifs

This sweet baby

Paralyzed dog is super excited to see her human after daycare from r/gifs

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Dogs vs shark

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Keith Olbermann helping out doggies

Bugs Doggy


A kind mail man stops every day to give a dog on his route some love because the pupper looks intimidating to most people passing by from r/MadeMeSmile

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Stinkin' dust in this room

Dogs continue to improve our lives: this time, our wine

In the wine industry, dogs are being used to detect TCA and its relatives, which are the bane of winemakers everywhere. A little TCA goes a long way and is the primary cause of  “cork taint,” a musty, moldy, wet cardboard smell and taste in wines. Most people can spot it at a concentration of around 5 parts per trillion, the equivalent of a few drops in an Olympic-sized swimming pool, according to Jamie Goode, whose most recent book is Flawless: Understanding Faults in Wine (University of California Press, $23).

Noodle wars

Dog and pasta. from r/gifs

Monday, May 20, 2019

Another Basset Hound Mix

So, Petey is a Basset Hound Beagle mix: a Bagle Hound.  I came across this guy earlier in May: a Basset Hound, Golden Retriever mix:

You can see the signature feet of the Basset Hound from front-on

The head is not Basset Hound at all, possibly a Labrador?

Sunday, May 19, 2019


He fell asleep on the chair swing from r/Eyebleach

Yoga Balls

This is what happens when you buy Yoga balls from Amazon, and leave them out with the rest of your yoga equipment.  They look just like dog balls to Petey!!!

Mother Dog/Baby Monkey & Baby Dog/Mother Monkey

Let me help a bunny out

Milk-Bone Soft & Chewy Beef & Filet Mignon Recipe Dog Treats

I've been giving Petey these dog treats for a couple of weeks now.  He loves them better than other treats I have bought locally.  They contain 12 essential vitamins and minerals.  They smell extremely beefy.  If I had to say, they smell like beef jerky I would eat.  (It's crossed my mind to try one!.. not there yet!).  These have a zoomies level of +90!!!

Video 1

Video 2
(Sorry for the tilt!)

Friday, May 17, 2019

Therapy dogs get their own year book page

"Most Likely To Lick!"

The crew of doggos has been an unwavering, consoling, integral part of the school since a gunman walked onto campus on Valentine's Day 2018 and killed 17 students and staff. They go to class, give handshakes in the hallways, and wag tails in the courtyard outside the cafeteria as teens flood in and out for lunch.

Dog being a bro

Everyone deserves a wingman, or dog. from r/aww

I bless thee

How I feel every time I pet a dog from r/aww

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

UPSP: United Parcel Service Pooches

There's a Facebook page that highlights the dogs UPS workers meet every day:

UPS Dogs

It's as straight-forward as that: UPS workers taking pics of friendly dogs they encounter.  There's some neat videos too such as last Halloween.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Marine Dog Training Tips as a good article with 7 tips Marines use to train MWDs: Military Working Dogs

1. You have to build a relationship.
2. Groom your dog every day.
3. Consistency is key.
4. Training takes time.
5. Dogs have bad days too.
6. Dogs need to have fun.
7. Not every dog is going to be able to learn every task.

Check out the article for details on each tip.  There's some real gold in them.

My favorite is number 5.  Remember, dogs are people too!!!

"Say you've been training your dog for weeks. He's performing well, and then one day he just refuses to work for you. He won't sit. He seems bored, antsy, tired, or just lazy.
Don't get mad, and don't continue to correct the dog if it isn't working. Dogs have their bad days too. Sometimes they just don't want to work. If you try to force it, you will become frustrated and angry, which hardly ever leads to good results. Recognize that there might be a medical issue at play. Sick dogs aren't usually enthusiastic students.
During an evaluation at my last base, a dog wouldn't stay in the sit. The handler couldn't get the dog to stay after multiple corrections. The evaluator took a close look and saw that the dog was positioned on an ant hill and had fire ants biting his legs. Continuing to correct the dog in that situation would be ineffective and would harm the good rapport between dog and handler.
Recognize that your dog is a living, breathing creature that has feelings and emotions."

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Petey's Wireless Fence

No more running around the neighborhood!

He had one prior, but I wanted him to have more freedom/trust to not roam around.  McKenzie, who passed away last year, did not need a fence.  She knew not to leave the yard.  Bad on me for thinking Petey would be just like her.  He's a good, sweet dog, but also incurably rebellious.

I had sold his old wireless fence, and bought the exact same model again off of Amazon.

Is it the PetSafe Wireless Fence Pet Containment System.  And here is a brief review with some videos.

Setting it up is pretty straight forward.  It comes with a handy-dandy light tool ("light" as in, a bulb that glows when activated), that you can hold over the prongs, in order to see the actual radius of the fence, and plant the flags.

Planting the flags takes about a half hour tops (or less), and once done, your Pup will now get a visual understanding of where the fence actually is, to associate with the beeping then mild electric shock that the collar gives if they continue on past the beeping.

If I recall with Petey's last fence, it took maybe just one time for him to learn to stop at the beeping.  With this second time around, he didn't even need training!!!  And it's been a long time, maybe a year, since he last had the collar/fence.

Here we go out, on this nice Sunday, showing off the collar and how he understands it means time to go outside.  He had just been out and so, the collar is on him when I started the video.  You can see he doesn't mind it at all.

These next videos were taken Easter Day, the day I got the PetSafe wireless fence system all hooked up and ready to go:

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Peteys' Amazon Pet Profile

I wish "Amazon" started with a "P" so that my title would be very awesome!

Petey now has his own official Pet Profile at Amazon.

Create your pet a Pet Profile at Amazon.

Although there was a 20% discount, up to $20, that promotion ended at the end of 2017, but apparently, Amazon has "Pet Music" ready to go for your pet:

"Soothe and entertain your pet with music
Lastly, our pets are family too, right? Why not treat them to some pet-friendly tunes on Prime Music? Our music (and pet) experts have come up with two curated playlists and two albums that feature music any domesticated creature will love. Try Classical for Pets while you're away at work, or our Walking the Dog playlist for when you're out with your best friend. Many of us adopt pets that need a little extra TLC. Your nervous kitty or shy dog will love 'Calming Music for Pets and Calming Music for Pets While You Are Gone.'"

"...nuthin's gonna slow me down!"

Velvet hippo doesn't let his handicap stop him from r/Eyebleach

A little slice of Dog Heaven

Dog Rescuers

Some good people rescuing dogs left behind to face the floodwaters of Hurricane Florence from r/HumansBeingBros

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Dog panoramas

This squirrel is nuts....

Squirrel trying to hide nut in dog from r/aww

Loyal dog remains by fallen master

If not for his barking, searchers may have never found the man who fell during his hike.

"Authorities searched the area, but had no luck.
By 4:45 p.m., they had found his vehicle, which had a list of geocache locations that the team mapped out and set out to look through.  It wasn't until nearly 6 p.m., when a deputy searching through one of the locations was startled by the sound of barking.  "The deputy continued hiking toward the sound of the dog's barking, and spotted a dog matching the description of Daisy up a very steep embankment above the Marshall River," the sheriff's department said.   The deputy climbed another 30 minutes through thick woods until he reached the dog, who was by his owner."

Service dogs vs cows: guess which one has the most genetic research behind it?

One gives us milk and one saves our lives.  Guess which one has the most research behind it?

It is amazing to think that far more has been done in the realm of cows than dogs when it comes to genetic research.  Turns out, according to this article, for purposes of milk production, cow DNA was studied in more than 300,000 cows, going back to the 1940s.  This research was largely done in the 1990s.  In the meantime, half of all service dogs fail-out before graduation, and this occurs after a year or more of training has been already spent.  The fall-out is that only 5% of the current need is being met.  It is staggering to think that 95% of all places (and people!) requiring a service dog are not getting one.

The Workign Dog Project hopes to change all this.

"The Working Dog Project is a collaboration of The Theriogenology Foundation (which represents veterinarians who specialize in reproductive health), The Broad Institute (associated with MIT), the American Kennel Club, numerous dog breed organizations, and universities such as Auburn and Cornell....  The Working Dog Project [is showing] that not every dog was cut out to be a sled dog, pilot dog, security dog, bomb-sniffing dog or recovery dog. And that DNA analysis can assist in separating super-achieving canines from those that are more at home sleeping on the couch."

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Dog College

Carroll College in Helena Montana has a wonderful program where students not only foster dogs, but train them in: "service, narcotics detection, and search and rescue." Once the dogs graduate, they are ready for permanent adoption.

21 dogs recently graduated from the program.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

"My very own Pupper!!!"

Dog is excited to get a puppy from r/aww

Dogs do not drive cars ... yet

But as passengers, they do need car seats

...and a harness.

"Ellis recommends the Sleepypod Clickit Sport, which she uses on her Cavapoochon, Rossi, because it has been tested and approved by the Center for Pet Safety, a third-party company that does dog-equipment crash tests at 30 mph. The vest’s three-point design evenly distributes force throughout the dog’s torso and minimizes movement, decreasing damage in the event of an accident."

Check out the "Sleepypod Clickit Sport" dog harness at Amazon

Friday, April 19, 2019

I would do my laundry here

Saving a dog from the dogcatcher from r/HumansBeingBros

And here I was paying $$$ for human...

The Best Personal Trainer Might Be a Dog
"Your dog could very well make for a decent fitness coach, according to a new study out Thursday. It found that adults in the UK who owned a dog were fourfold more likely to get the recommended amount of weekly exercise as non-owners."