Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Turtle Dog

This tortoise was raised with these dogs since birth and now they are inseparable. from r/pics

"Flying ain't so bad buddy ... you'll be ok"

My dogs first flight and this happened for the whole duration from r/aww


Latest Fortnite update lets you pet dogs

"The ability to pet animals may seem out of place in a game about killing everyone around you, but Fortnite isn’t a stranger to pleasant interactions, as anyone who has ever thanked the bus driver or attended a violence-free concert can attest. Given just how charming the pets in the game are, it’s a feature that’s long overdue."

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

So that's the reason dogs take so long to find a place to poop...

Searching the entire yard for a half hour is him really trying to find the magnetic pole!

"The theory is that a dog creates a map of scents from odiferous sites like a food store or fertilized garden — or even just a hint of an owner’s scent in the ground or air.
Dogs are especially sensitive to the odor of the humans in their lives. One study used MRI imaging to study activity in the caudate nucleus, a brain area associated with the expectation of a reward."

Oh … and, they are magnetically pooping!